Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Latte Limo

seen while apartment hunting in Kitsilano, the hippy bastion of Vancouver...

Today when I got in the bus, it was pretty crowded, with all those people standing, there was just one seat, next to a pretty normal looking guy with a bike helmet. When you see an empty seat like that, with no obvious water or anything, you just sit, right? Well don't, next time... So I have a list of addresses written on my notebook, addresses of apartments I am going to check out. And I am pensive, but not thinking of anything in particular. The bike helmet guy next to me goes like "so how are you going to be when you get there?" and I am like huh? (cos also, I heard he asked "so how are you going to pee when you get there?"). He repeated the question, still I am thinking "pee", but since I am not the girl to shy away and encourage that sort, I said "just as I always do". And he goes "well how *is* that?" and this point I ask him "I'm sorry I don't think I understood the question". When he repeats this time and adds "you know are you going to be happy, are you going to be content..." I understand, but it is even more confusing than "pee". So I am like "I don't know" and he's like "you know you have the choice to be whatever *you* want" and I am like "ok".... and I laugh. He quips "you think it's funny", I say "yeah" he says "well yeah I am a funny guy" and it was not sarcastic or anything. Moments of silence follow, he says "you still haven't answered my question.... you know it's a simple question"... and adds condescendingly "but most people can't answer this question"!!!!

oh hippies...

I had to get off the bus as I was at my stop... I wish I had been on the bus longer... and contrary to what I said before, I would again sit next to him... He was interesting, like all crazy people are...

I must also mention this one apartment that I wrote to, from an ad on craigslist (craigslist is the way to find apartments in Vancouver... actually probably in Montréal too; I found mine on Kijiji, the French equivalent of craigslist). So the apartment manager writes back, 'Namaste...'. That is the biggest problem with some people... they read my name and immediately assume I am from some place, and god forbid they be wrong, so they pucker up and kiss my ass, and it totally misfires! I went to see it anyway, since it was the only character house at that time. When I meet him, he showers me with 'in-India' stories, like we like to keep our apartment warm, like in India, food in India and what not... after sometime I say "well I wouldn't know" to which he says "oh you were born and raised here?" to which I say "I was born and raised in Sri Lanka" and he goes, "oh India, Sri Lanka - same thing, no?" !!!!! And that is the second biggest problem with those people, even when they are oh-so-wrong, they think they were right anyways!

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