Saturday, March 19, 2011

Diffractions and Meditation

knock knock... "I want to humbly share something with you"

he uses the word 'humbly' a lot...

"ok, what is it?"

A long story about visions of archangel Micheal and neutrinos and how to get the energy of the neutrinos and what not...

"come here babe... I want to show you something"

so he sits me down and sits in front of me cross legged on the floor, puts on some meditative cd. I am like, ok, why not - meditating can not be bad, right? So I am (like a little puppy) all straightened back, hands on my thighs, eyes closed, listening to this cd right - all ready to meditate - 2 minutes in to the thing he's done and he's like "see what I mean?" and I am sitting there thinking "what kind of a hippy are you -you can not even meditate for 3 minutes straight and I am supposed to be this crazy ga-ga physicist girl and I have more meditative power than you..."...

He takes out this cd and holds it to the light, and says "see that light? what color do you see?". My optics lessons kick in, and I am thinking of the wonders of diffraction gratings (all those diffraction experiments really blew me away when I first learned them, and still do in fact). And he's moving his head from side to side and saying "ah man... look at those colors change - there's energy in this cd man... did you see that?"...

He jumps up and sits next to me, saying "imagine... imagine I am your colleague... I am Einstein and you... you are fucking (my name)"... I am like "whoa... how the fuck did that ever happen - how did I get stuck with fucking (my name) and you get to be Einstein?"... but I don't say this... (to clarify, he doesn't use the 'fucking' word in disparage... it is, as it is in the US, just a figure of speech).

"I am gong to say to this cd, good things and then mean things... no wait... I am not even going there... I am only going to say good things". And then for the next couple of minutes, this grown man is sitting there, with this cd in his hand, talking to the cd "you are beautiful.... I love you... I think we are going to be together for a long time... I feel this is going well"... At the end he says , "well the shape didn't really change, but I think the colors changed... did you see that?". "No" I say, "but it must because I am not gifted"...

He talks about some guy who wrote some books about this voodoo science... "this man wrote about these extra dimensions... they say this in physics too now right?". Right I think, but string theorists are just as crazy as you... "And when I was a kid, I figured these all out... but I am not stupid man... I won't go into some extra dimensions that I have no idea about... I don't want to get all messed up man... you with me?"..."was with you until the part about you not getting messed up" I think. "See... also he wrote about aliens and he has come into contact with 2 aliens... but he wrote about these in 1972... long time ago, before we ever met aliens... and now what... we have found aliens, we communicate with them, sometimes we have problems communicating with them... and then we go through these wormholes and all that shit happens... and he wrote about all that in 1972".... Huh?????

He said a couple times, "I have been sitting here tripping" and I was this close to asking him what exactly he meant by 'trip'. It is not pot, I don't smell it... whatever he is on, I would like to try though...

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