Saturday, March 19, 2011

Feminism and Carpetting

So we got new carpets today... It was this cutest Hungarian couple, probably late 40's or so (soooo old, I know ;) ). They had this amazing dynamic - I would have thrown up if I had to work with my significant other like that - imagine being with the same person, and this ain't an office, so being with just this one person only, 24/7!!! But they were pretty cool... and the woman, was there on her knees, pounding them nails away, ripping the carpets and installing them. It might have been even that she did more than the guy. It was such a reflection of what I think of the former Soviet Union (I know Hungary was not in the former Soviet Union), China and such communist countries - my brother commented on this too when we were in China - equal opportunity to all women - no big fuss, no big revolution, no branding eachother, no burning bras, but yes, they are feminists, maybe even more so than the revolution type...

I was spellbound by the way she merged carpet ends seamlessly, like in this pic - see the left side is not merged, it shows the two edges of the carpet, and the right side is merged... whoa... and it is always fun to see all the gizmos these people use, to straighten carpets, to glue them in and what not...

And the guy - he spoke with a Eastern European accent, and he challenged me to chess (as the stereotype goes, for that part of the world - the chess I mean, not the challenging), and when I told him we didn't have a chess board, he was like let's play it in our heads, ok pawn from D2 to D4...!!! I played him like 3 moves and then gave up... I could not keep up with the map - I am really a visual person.

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