Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Border Crossing in Sault Ste Marie

So I totally overwhelmed the Sault Ste Marie border people, with the fact that I am a Sri Lankan studying in the US on a student visa, moving to Canada to work (not just to fish or hunt), driving my own car (is it importation or not?) and some of my stuff are coming at a different time with the movers. About five customs people gathered to ponder my case and finally decided to just let me go... So I got to go just like that... with my little Peace Lilly! phew.... Oh at one point, it goes like 'what are you going to do at the U of Montreal?', 'do a postdoc (yeah right that makes a whole lot of sense to anyone outside academia)', 'a what?', I show them my employment letter and they say 'oh you are a doctor?'... I say 'yes' and there was immediate respect. I, however, did not tell them that I was not the sort of doctor who can really help anyone! Minor details...

I heard my first Canadian 'eh' - the customs officer said, 'you don't have the receipt, eh?'... 'neh eh' I said!

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