Saturday, October 15, 2011


"P$YCHIATRY is a Fraud" says her sweater... Oh please, ignorant hippy... Do you get out of your incense-stick-smoke infested voodoo world and read books that talk about chemical imbalances in the human body?? Not to say a lot of psychiatrists might not be qualified/patient enough to prescribe proper treatment for such problems, but to sport a sweater that discourages psychiatric help and treatment, is not only ignorant, but also dangerous... We have come a long way from the times of the likes of 'One flew over the cuckoo's nest' of psychological problems only being in the head of the beholder, and I for one would like to keep moving forward, and not backward!

This reminds me of my first roommate in Vancouver; yep, the voodoo one. He actually once suggested that I should actually not wear glasses, that 'near-sightedness' is only in my head and optometrists are running this scam to make a living!!!!

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