Sunday, October 23, 2011

Autumn, as they call it...

Autumn - that is what the "British" Columbians call it - is here... If it were up to me, I would leave all those fallen leaves on the streets; they look quite pretty. Here in the west coast, we don't do the spectacular Fall colors, but Vancouver has introduced all these deciduous trees, so we have some colors in our city-streets (it follows then, if you go in to nature for hiking/camping etc) you won't see these colors. I am not a big fan of plant life being introduced: I am more with the movement that say grow only the native plants, get rid of your lawns (lawn grass is not native to North America) and help prevent soil erosion and excessive chemical usage etc.

But as you can see, it is not up to me... blow blow blow (the leaves, get you heads out of the gutter) and then wash wash wash (the sap...). On my way to the library, on a glorious Autumn Sunday afternoon.

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