Saturday, July 17, 2010


is not bad... not bad at all...

So was at an obligatory house warming party... one of the few conversations with the largely ignored me went like this -

my name is marianne, what's yours?
I am ...
omg... do you have a shorter version? can i call you ...
no... and no, i don't have a short version of my name... and mine is shorter than marianne

in actuality, i do have several short forms of my names that my friends call me and I love... but it is a pet peeve of mine that people think my name is long...

the saturday gives rise to a largely depressed sunday... i try several things, they help... a bit... but then I finally decide to go for a run... and as I run, someone calls out my name... it turned out it was this guy who I met once two years ago, at the skating rink near my home, who taught me to skate...

so there it was - life's ironies laid bare... some people hear your name and say 'omg it's too long'; others remember your name two years after just one 3hr encounter...

And just like that I felt so much better

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