Monday, April 19, 2010

My GodMother

also my favourite aunt (which is not a feat so hard to achieve, I don't quite like my other aunts too much)... the woman who, when I was little took out this amazingly beautiful dress out and asked her own younger daughter "what do you think? shall we give it to her - she will return it to you once she outgrows it"... I didn't think of it much at that time, but as a grown up well aware of the "I-me-and-myself" mantra of the world that we call ours, I look back in amazement at this wonderful act of selflessness...

the woman who, as I made non-traditional changes to my life and began to live on my own, understood that such lifestyles are also so full of wonder... My parents didn't throw a fit at my divorce, my dad even wrote me saying "I am very proud of you for being able to make such a decision out of the norm", and my mom was very nice in her own way too... but up until this time I visited them, I never felt that my mom really ever came to peace with it... Long time before that this my aunt said "you are loving it living by your own... I can hear the freedom in your voice"...

For a woman, who lived all her married life under my uncle with control issues (I don't think he ever beat her, but I wouldn't put up with 1% of the crap that he gives her) she is amazingly open-minded... and progressive... Progressive... a trait I think many Sri Lankans lack... really lack...

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