Friday, August 14, 2009

Friendship Cove

A totally ghetto punk rock venue, sort of reminded me of the Hexagon bar, but this was still a different level I guess. I was told that this was a house where people squatted and then they had these concerts every now and then. Ok, there was really nothing that set this place apart from your average squat and ghetto bar, other than may be a lack of older hippies and a more than I am used to amount of pot (which I am totally cool with…). But the fore-story went like “this place reminds me of my days in the autonomous youth movement; we would gather in places like this and listen to music, the walls were strewn with political statements and pictures”… I mean how can you not romanticize the whole idea really? These walls don’t have no political pictures, nor statements, but I can easily place quite a few (they won’t be your everyday Che Guevara ones, but sort of what you would see in a run down physics students’ lounge I guess… and now I don’t know why physics…), the people there were more like a whole bunch of subdued by pot sort of hippies most probably, but I could easily picture them as activist hippies.

“autonomous youth movement”... how can you not love those words?

Hang on to your illusions, for once they are gone you may still exist, but you cease to live
- Mark Twain

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