Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Bonding Under the Stars in Sudbury

I will spare the details of how much I love these guys – I think I addressed this issue in a previous post. :) But I will say I feel very fortunate to have them as my friends. In reality I am killing my career being here, as it is hard on me when the physics conversation goes in French. So I am torn between this great social life and this sub optimal career life. Ah well as we say in SL you can not have both your porridge and your beard.

We watched the stars: the Andromeda, Jupiter, and the milky way.

On a totally unrelated note, I was told long ago, by a person who told me worldly truths, might I add, that you can only get wasted, if you are relaxed with the company you have. And I think it is true…

“Look it is the milky way” they said, "are we in Sri Lanka” I asked, “it is only visible from there…”… ah that’s when you know you’ve hit rock bottom.

I must mention this new guy in our group, who I really got to know better during this trip, a person with so many conflicting sides to his personality. At once a smarty and a musician, at once childishly cute but able to have a political discussion, upto date on current global events, a socially conscious and open minded person … I am always awed by such self contradiction.

Then back in Montréal on Saturday I will be told that to have such an orderly apartment is something that was never expected from me, from knowing me before, from the way I talk!!!! On my way back I thought, "well how boring can a person be if they only give out what is expected of themselves"...

I guess I am what I am awed about… :)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Something about Fearing Cheese...

So one of my friends is in a band - they list themselves as thrash (yes, I know, but that's how they wrote it), country and garage... The dynamics of the group was really interesting... The last time one of my friends shocked me with his band performance, he didn't even come close this shock I got this day... Also because in a non-show setting, this my friend gets all motherly and treats me like a 18yr old kid or whatever... (which I don't mind, in fact I find it mildly amusing... I guess because I don't see her all that often).

A good 45min-1hr of pure screaming, and even to my uncultured ear, bad music, but what had me was their dress(es)... specially the lead singer. The 25year old girl, with not the awesomest body (she was not fat, but...), dressed in a one size larger, not so flattering swimming suit... Wow... And here I think I don't care about what other people think... One can not help but look up to them for such a carefree attitude...

Most people shock the hell out of me, to borrow from Pretty Woman, in a good way, most of the time... yes I know I said this before...

The very 90's bar? Bistro de Paris.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Serenaded in Parc Lafontaine

So today is some me time for me - I really want to be alone, yeah you know how I like to reflect... So I bike to Parc Lafontaine to catch the Quebecois Traditional Music fest, but my bike lock is broken and they don't allow bicycles inside the venue. So I decide to sit by the mega fountain in the parc and enjoy the bad music from a distant. Actually I can listen to Quebec trad music every now and then, but I was told by this amazing music nerd, that it is pretty bad music. So, given my uncultured ear, I will take his word for it... oh but he ain't touching my folk music taste, no way Jose! You understand, his name was not Jose!!! :)

So I am sitting, totally meditative, I must have mention before how I can get hypnotized by water, yes even the energy wasting kind, which a fountain is really...

Then this guy walks up to me and plays some flamenco music for me. I liked it; even though, or because, I wanted to be alone...

And then he told me how he self taught himself this flamenco guitar about his dad and brother who are also guitarists, showed me his cool handmade guitar... People... I love to hear their stories...

Friday, August 14, 2009

Friendship Cove

A totally ghetto punk rock venue, sort of reminded me of the Hexagon bar, but this was still a different level I guess. I was told that this was a house where people squatted and then they had these concerts every now and then. Ok, there was really nothing that set this place apart from your average squat and ghetto bar, other than may be a lack of older hippies and a more than I am used to amount of pot (which I am totally cool with…). But the fore-story went like “this place reminds me of my days in the autonomous youth movement; we would gather in places like this and listen to music, the walls were strewn with political statements and pictures”… I mean how can you not romanticize the whole idea really? These walls don’t have no political pictures, nor statements, but I can easily place quite a few (they won’t be your everyday Che Guevara ones, but sort of what you would see in a run down physics students’ lounge I guess… and now I don’t know why physics…), the people there were more like a whole bunch of subdued by pot sort of hippies most probably, but I could easily picture them as activist hippies.

“autonomous youth movement”... how can you not love those words?

Hang on to your illusions, for once they are gone you may still exist, but you cease to live
- Mark Twain

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Shooting Stars

So it is that time of the year... the Perseid time... We were up on Mt Royal, yes, I know, but it's hard to organize too many people to go out of the city at such short notice. We didn't see too many, between the 6-8 of us we must have seen about 10 distinct shooting stars.

So there was all this typical office banter... a combination of they love to tease me and I am a good teasee... I remember when I left MN I was pretty sure I had exhausted my quota of nice co-workers in life. I had the nicest office mates, funny, politically incorrect in speech, but not really... In fact I wrote in my thesis, "if there's one thing, I hope I will find office mates half as fun as you were". Today, a year and almost 3 months later, I know I found even better.

I think jokes form an integral part of any relationship. The thing with new relationships (I use this term loosely), is that neither party knows where to draw the line and neither party knows where the line was drawn, so they are always second guessing, "were they really kidding?". It does take a lot of trial and error to settle in to this equilibrium. The past year has brought that equilibrium to us. In a way, faster and more solid than it was with my MN office mates. It might be because we really went head on with this, which meant, of course, a lot of errors, not too many trials. :) It is partly because of the way of the French Canadians (I was corrected the other day: they are no French Canadians, they are French Quebecois). The stereo type goes they have almost no boundaries physically: they stand close, they are very touchy, they kiss etc etc. This is different from both Sri Lanka and the US. In the US and in fact most other European friends of mine, maintain a very strict physical territory - a radius of 50cm around them is usually claimed! (I know it sound weird when you say it, but it is true...). I was in fact only a little bit uncomfortable when I first came to Montreal, soon I began to see Americans as a bunch of uptight-for-no-reason group of people. (It was funny, two of my American friends visited me recently and we met this French guy who one of my friends thought invaded her private physical space when he talked to her - and I did not notice this at all; and this American friend of mine, I always thought was one of the less uptight Americans!!!). What was hard for me to get used to was their very cavalier attitude about personal details. I can not ever do this to anyone else, but really I am glad they came head on at me in this aspect, even when I protested; today I know I am that much more comfortable with them because of this, mostly! I was told one time by a French Quebecois, when I complained about how I felt they were invasive of my personal details, that they do this because they are not judgmental. Actually I think this is true for most of them, general human missteps are accepted as things that do happen to everyone, and you are not scarred for life because of these.

I love them, I really do....

So now back to the star gazing... so the city suggests not driving your car up Mt Royal. So I decide I am gonna take the metro and then walk up there. Now I was very well aware that by the time we finish, the metro would have stopped and I will either have to walk, rent a bixi or take a taxi home, and I was well prepared to do this. Because also I have no fear of walking alone at night. Now of course when it's time to leave at 2:00am, people are not ready to let me walk alone. And the guy who did drive the car brought a telescope, so he did not have room for all of us, so now who gets a ride? Is it Mary and Ben who live the farthest? Is it Simon, Mary or Ben who are afraid to walk by themselves at night? Ohhhhhhh no... it is me who lives not as far as Mary and Ben and who also is not afraid of walking alone and who also happens to *want* to walk. As the discussion progresses I realize this is not going anywhere, I suggest take Mary and Ben as they live furthest, so I kiss them all and start walking down the mountain, Simon joins me. 5 minutes down the mountain Fabrice et Christina stop their car next to us and say, Mary and Ben can take a cab, because they live close to each other and it is me who is at the greatest risk, so I am absolutely the one needing a ride. So I get a ride home. As I comfortably begin to settle into my bed, the phone rings, it is Mary and she's walking alone, and she's afraid and she wants to talk to someone till she gets home. I was really happy to talk to her, but yes people, I was pissed!!! I have nothing against the Muslims, but in this country where people from the faith group that is most against the western world, are allowed to freely practice their faith and go around in burkas and hijabs and build mosques etc, I am not allowed to practice my own simple belief that I don't want to ruin Mt Royal by driving a car to it!!! Weird how other people interfere with other people's beliefs right? And at any given moment all these people who were with me last night would claim that they're the most respectful and most tolerant of all people!!!

And thus ended one of many of those nights, where I practice my love hate ritual with the group of people I have enjoyed the most thus far, the French Quebecois!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Soufflé de Framboise

Ta da.... soooooooooo yummy.... so light and fluffy, the best Raspberry Souffle I have ever had... I have never had Raspberry souffle before, but that's a minor detail... Can't wait to serve...

Whoa am I a self-sufficient woman or what? I think I can now safely move to the Innuit reserves in Northern Quebec to see them Polar Bears...