Monday, July 18, 2011

Montréal - you are still home

I've missed it so much. I went back with trepidation. Would I love it so much that I wouldn't want to go back? Would it and my friends there have cooled off to me than when I left? But taking the taxi from the airport to my boyfriend's home, it was like I never left. The familiar road signs, my old neighbourhood. Then his home is in the plateau; you can not miss with that. What a great place to come back to? Watching all the good looking people and their dogs from the balcony on Mount Royal - I didn't feel nostalgic, I didn't cry - because I thought I am definitely moving back here and this is where I will grow old.

I went to my old school to help out with some stuff of my old experiment and immediately felt at home and warmly welcomed. Well if I actually move back here I am not going there though - I won't kid myself that the last days of my stay at this school was pleasant.

Some days latter back in Vancouver, I would have renewed energy to hurry up and finish up my contract so I can go back to Montréal. It wasn't too hard to leave Montréal because I was going to come back. And suddenly Vancouver looked very pretty and likeable, maybe also because I was not going to have too much time to enjoy it.

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