Sunday, October 4, 2009

Physicist Shoes

Can you tell which one is the physicist's shoe? And they walk those cobble-stone streets without batting an eyelid!!

These nice people I met while I was having my dinner alone in Como on the first day of arrival - they were super friendly... they invited me to go bar hopping with them and I had such great fun. They were a little frustrated that I didn't speak Italian or Spanish... Mmmmhhh... I speak Sinahlases, English and some French, should I be frustrated they don't speak none of those? One of the girls understood some French, albeit very little, so we did communicate... Anyway through the night other friends joined them and we were able to communicate a little better...

As a photographer I have learned that women really do hold up half the sky; that languge isn’t always necessary, but touch usually is; that all people are not alike, but they do mostly have the same hopes and fears; that judging others does great harm but listening to them enriches; that it is impossible to hate a group of people once you get to know one of them as an individual.
- Annie Griffiths Belt, photographer National Geographic

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