Saturday, November 22, 2008

la defile du Pere Noel

the procession of Father Christmas

Christmas... probably the only time of the year that I don't go like, "why couldn't my parents be like Jason' parents and not baptize me and allow me to chose when I understood?"... the one time, that I am secretly happy that I was brought up with a Christian concept... oh wait, Christmas, or most of Christmas that I get all nostalgic about, is actually pagan tradition.... That's good to remember, as this Christmas, my first ever with a place of my own, I contemplate if I should get a Christmas tree or not... Is it ok, to cut a tree for just a month? But they're farmed trees... hmmm... Life's persisting questions... And no, I will not get an artificial tree, no way, no how... real tree or no tree...

These cheesy Christmas parades always make me very nostalgic. I try to analyse what it is that makes it so... Is it remembering a fun childhood? Is it natural human tendancy to romanticize the past? Is it watching happy people, people, who just for today, put aside their worries to be happy? Either way. you can bet there will be at least one weird person with tears rolling down her cheeks, as Santa rolls along... ho ho ho....

hey they even had a float with many flags, and it didn't have a Quebec flag!!!?? Ah yes, Quebec is not a country, yet...

Another enthusiastic parent, and the kid could barely keep his eyes open...

singing those Christmas carols that I love...

And a float from the Montreal firefighters. Where do they find these cute cute cute kids' fireman suits?

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