Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Home... I used to call it that...

It was so fun and nostalgic going back to see the place that was my home for almost 7 years... But as I have often concluded, "the past was great, but I am glad for where I am right now". And may be it is the gypsy in me, but I feel that no place was great enough that I did not want to leave... I do get a little tired though of re-investing all that time and energy in building new and meaningful friendships, thus I cling to the few close friends from the past.

So put me on a highway
Show me a sign
And take it to the limit one more time
- Eagles, in Take It to the Limit One More Time

May be some day, someone or someplace will show me magic and I will stay...

I got started and wrote some of my thesis in this non-profit coffeshop, bodertown cafe, near school. And once I played chess here with a friend...

It was fun going back and recounting lots of very happy memories and even a few not so happy ones and know that I survived; but it's good to be back.

There is, after all, no place like home! :)

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