Saturday, August 20, 2011

Rock Balancing Art

Joesf Toth (not to be confused with the like-sounding Josaphat-le-violon, of Michel Tremblay's La grosse Femme d'à côté est enceinte) is doing his Rock Balancing art, that has taken Vancouver by a storm it seems - If you ever walk by a beach you are bound to see these amazing displays of rocks balanced in a seemingly unreal way. If you have been to Van and walked on the beach and haven't seen these consider that you haven't walked far enough. They don't chip the rocks or anything like that - they just find the rocks that would balance on top of each other and place them so, and they will withstand your daily wind even. I was reading his thing when I laughed at one of his silly jokes so he immediately took a liking to me and said he will build this for me. It takes a long time obviously and I stood there with glazed eyes for like half an hour. Later he commended my patience and took some pictures himself of the art he dedicated for me.

I almost never put pictures taken by others in this blog - in fact I never remember doing so - but I have to make Josef Toth an exception - I have, after all, never been rock-art serenaded.

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