Wednesday, March 3, 2010

old friends in town

So this guy who worked with us, in that dreamy summer of 2008, who has since left us was back in town (ok so he's really not too far from us, but we don't get to hang out that much) so we went out for breakfast. We walked and walked and walked in the bitter cold, till we found a place that satisfied all of us. In reality I bet by the time we were at this nondescript place we were tired, so we just settled for this, having passed much better ones. The food was nothing special, just your typical North American fare - but someone did say that they wanted to have a good bacon and eggs breakfast!!! rednecks!! Atleast it had this cool lunar calendar.

It is always nice to see this friend of ours - more mature than his age, an extrovert with good looks to go with that. I wonder if I ever blogged about him. Less than a month into my arrival in Montreal, after I had recounted my Saint-Jean-Baptiste day celebrations, he said to someone else in French "well she's one of us"... and there was no sucking up, no hitting on involved... And yes, I know it wasn't told after much thought. But I immediately felt very good - it is something that I never heard in all my years in the US. In time, in Montreal, I would hear lots more than I ever heard in the US, some nice, some not so nice, but all contributing to the great memories I will eventually carry away from Montreal.

But so there's this amazingly nice guy who made my life so pleasant when I first came here, right? And then about a year ago I saw a bible next to his bed and then some other memories arose in me that led me to believe that he's religious. And just like that my head was fighting to outcast him. I had to fight a hard fight to surpress the stereotypes and come to peace with the fact that a religious person could still be very nice!!

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