Saturday, November 28, 2009


I just learnt that ... means speechless; so dot dot dot.

Just a few comments over the past few weeks -

You can not buy a mac, you used to come in here and harass him for having a mac and now you buy a mac - I lost all respect for you

But I thought about it; I wanted an all in one desktop, but was refusing to buy and Apple just cos it is an Apple - doesn't that make me as crazy as an Apple cult member who buys stuff just because they are an Apple thing? I don't want to be close minded - I want to be open minded...

No Apple yet - I am trying to decide between getting a 27" and not parting with 2000 of my hard earned Canadian dollars. In reality, the 21.5" should be more than enough for me, like one of my Canadian (ahem... sorry, I meant to say Quebecois) friends pointed out... Should I, as a Sri Lankan, be ashamed that I am taking anti-supersize advice from an occidental person? How does someone who watched all of South Park, Colbert Report and dvd's on a 12" li'l laptop, not be satisfied with a 21.5"??? You'd be surprised how... But I am going to be a good girl and live within my means - I think I am settled with the 21.5"

"I do not, and I mean do not, want to turn in to an Apple crazy who stocks their house with iThis and iThat - those iPhones might be cool with their linux capability that allows remote shifts and all sorts of fun stuff, but I ain't getting one"... "Errr... give her a year, she'll come around"

I am going to go with a friend (apparently I need a lot of emotional support when I shell out all that money!!!) and we have been postponing it forever now... it's almost like I shouldn't buy a mac... :)

In the end, I did buy the smaller 21.5" (because of people who said "the 27 is nice, but the 21.5 is nice too", after wavering between the 27" (because of people who said "heck you don't need a 27") and 21.5 (because of people who said "c'mon buy the 27") - I am stubborn like that yes, cutting my nose off to spite my face is not that infrequent with me.... But still thank you everyone for your counsel!

The $500 saved will go towards a new cool camera lens and a donation to the homeless shelter; the very people who are celebrating a 5-day fest today, the very people who, as we were walking home with our expensive toy begged us for a dollar and we said "sorry we don't have any"...

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