Thursday, March 20, 2008


Annie: I associate her with my first year here in Minneapolis. I think my neighbors got her during my first year here. I was so thrilled; finally a dog. I asked to walk her, the man said yes, but must have gotten a nice scolding from his wife, that he followed me in his jeep as I walked Annie. I never walked her again. And often felt sad that she didn't get quite the love and care she deserved. Oh, she came with her sister, a black lab, whose name now escapes my mind, but they gave her away because two were too much.

Every time I looked at Annie, she looked sad and quite not as big as she should have been as she grew up. She must be now 7 years. But in this picture she looks big and just like any other happy dog, curious. But her eyes look sad and I feel she never regained the spark that was when her sister was with her. Of course this could be my personal bias against the people who didn't let me walk her... :)

For all these 7 years, she still runs up to the fence whenever I walk past their house, and I stop and pet her through the fence...

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