Sunday, June 26, 2011

Peaceful Weekend...

Before I ventured out in to the downtown life, I spent a couple hours marathoning Les Cowboys Fringants, discovering great hits like 'Entre deux taxis', 'Mon Pays', 'Ma belle Sophie' and enjoying my old favourites, 'droit devant' etc… They are truly artists, when they can put into more eloquent words what everyone knows so well:

Oh, qu'il est triste le sort des amoureux!
Car on commence toujours à se dire adieu
Dès notre premier baiser

What a way to end a day and a weekend that began with me feeling confused and depressed, mostly about work, but enough about life too. But that was Friday afternoon.

Right now, I am here sitting on the sand in the beach, writing my blog; and the sunset disappointed some guys who had come to do sunset photos, because the sun hid behind the clouds, before it dramatically exited behind the mountains with a deep orange glow and they waited and waited, but the sun never exited this way, so the three of them read a passage from a book in some holy sort of way (I didn't hear what they read); two late twenties guys playing with their radio-controlled boat in a little bay like area formed by some rocks; a portrait photographer with his camera/light equipment and his model in a bikini who is getting cold so she puts on her sweater and they both start smoking (she is obviously more than his model, but less than his lover); a guy playing his accordion for the past two hours now; a total drunk trying to pick a fight with someone and it seems like finally he succeeded; a crazy upper-middle class mom who kept yelling at her little daughter that she went too far and into the water, kind of attracting stares of 'oh c'mon woman can you leave the disciplining out of the peaceful beach' so she took her unhappy daughter home finally; several cargo/cruise ships anchored way out in the distance, the sail boats of Kits Yacht club in the distance; the lifeguard now wrapping up his shift; lots of different languages in conversation passing around me, whiffs, well more than whiffs, of pot dotting the air. What a beautiful evening and a complete life - the good the bad, the yin the yan... the peaceful West End beach has a place for everyone.

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