Sunday, June 26, 2011

Cranaval del sol

From June 20 to September 5, the Granville Mall is closed to traffic and every weekend they have some theme thing - this Sunday it was the Latin American day. With all the Latin American food stalls, little trinket stalls and their music and dance. I walked right into a David Suzuki speech, but not recognizing him, I turned around the other way thinking 'oh well some guy is just patronizing the Latin Americas' and people around me looked at me like I was a god damn red-neck not worshipping the Jesus of the left. Then he finished his speech and the MC said "thank you David Suzuki" and I stopped in my heels and joined the crowd, in at least looking at their Jesus. Don't get me wrong - I love David Suzuki, but while he is not as bad as Michael Moore, he can sometimes be a little extreme himself - like today when he was saying "Latin America can teach us so many things" and proceeded to name the Latin American countries, but didn't actually say what they can teach us. On the other hand I have no idea why the Latin American carnival invited Suzuki to give a speech. But I do like Suzuki and am happy I saw him. For the record, I also recognize the importance of the existence of Moore, on the extreme left, to counteract the extreme right wing we have today.

I had Yucca and some overdone but yum yum pork dish from the Nicaraguan stall.

The carnival proceeded to have the mayor of Vancouver give a speech, this time more aptly.

Before I ventured out in to the downtown life, I spent a couple hours marathoning Cowboy Fringant, discovering great hits like 'Entre deux taxis', 'Mon Pays', Petit Sophie' and enjoying my old favourites, 'doir prevent' etc… They are truly artists, when they can put into more eloquent words what everyone knows so well.

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