Sunday, January 16, 2011

Montréal Nord

So we went to Montréal Nord, because it is this poor neighborhood, too see what the big deal is - if it's really that poor and crime ridden. I went with memories of Freddie Villenueve who was gunned down by the Montréal police , which event led to numerous riots and what not (as documented here), hoping to find scary looking people. And what do I find? Nondescript houses... maybe a higher concentration of poor people... I was downright disappointed - maybe we didn't go to the right place in Montréal Nord.

Cold as we were (and also because I am famous for being severely under-dressed), we found shelter in what seemed to be a coffee shop. It actually didn't seem like a coffee shop, what with non-transparent windows and a door that didn't look too welcoming. The interior was complete with an Italian soccer flag and also a picture of Marlon Brando's godfather. The top-hat and coat wearing 4 guys huddled in conversation around the table stood up and walked away after staring us down - did we in-advertently walk into the neighborhood mafia hot spot? If this doesn't look like for-something-else place that is desperately trying to look like a coffee shop, I don't know what is...

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