Thursday, June 30, 2011

Canada Post - strike's over

It was good to see these cutesy trucks back on the road. The strike is over and I haven't paid much attention to if the union's requests were legit or not. Harper claimed they were not and that Canada Post workers have better benefits and pays compared to their counterparts in the private sector. Just because Harper said it I don't want to believe it. But it is true that unions are not always demanding things in the best interest of who they seem to represent. Comes to mind, when GAPSA (Graduate and Professional Student Assembly) of the U (that is the UMN, of course) tried to unionize for better pays for humanities people. I went for their initial meeting as I thought that humanities students didn't get paid nearly enough compared to us (this is before I came to Canada - in Canada I think the sciences don't get paid nearly as enough either, in grad school). But it turned out it was this mega union corporation, a blanket one (of a couple) that represents various organizations in the US and it was pretty clear that the spokespeople for this parent union had no idea or interest in our poor humanities students' issues. So I voted against them - for which of course my humanities friend didn't like me. I still kinda feel bad for her and all of the humanities people, but I was convinced things wouldn't have changed just because we had a union, and if there is one thing I detest, it is to be taken for a ride, by some union-dues-collecting mafia, or actually by anyone for that matter.

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