Sunday, May 29, 2011

place of happenings...

Not to brag or anything ;) , but a friend visited me and he brought a RoughRider's Guide to Vancouver and on its backcover was featured none other than my apartment building... aha... and then this beautiful sunny day in Vancouver as I looked out of my window, there was this guy snapping pictures of my apartment (no no, he is not creepy... it is just that my area is uber cool...)

Today was a sad day despite - a day that made me reflect and take a good look inside and end up deciding that we all play the cards we are dealt, that we are all good people, trying our best... to remain that way...

I am blessed and I am cursed... But like I have always thought, life is simple if you let it be... and my need to be in control of life and its events (or feel a sense of control, even falsely) needs to go and I need to learn to take life as it comes, one day at a time (I used to love that song when I was little and religious)... I have come a long way in that aspect, but there's still more to go...

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