Monday, April 4, 2011

My things are here....

So my things finally arrived. Mixture of mad and depressed and "omg what have I done?" made me decide that I will be sitting back and watching the guys move. But it turned out not the case. Later I wondered, what will happen when I am an old lady and I am moving? Am I still going to be helping with this hard labour or am I just going to be consumed by my own guilt of not doing so?

Well it is not like I moved big boxes up and down - I just moved a couple very small boxes, but it was in the rain. That's how I am, I just can't sit back and enjoy the money spent on the movers - my solidarity meter starts blaring. Also my take-care-of-the-world-because-you-are-a-woman instincts kick in and so I am like buying him fruit juice and dinner for the mover too. :)

But in retrospect, it was fun. Instead of just sitting there in the apartment I got to chat with someone. And also it turned out to be the same Québecois guy who I tool a semi trip with, so I got to practice my French too.

Anyway, I am thinking I should give this guy a tip of atleast $50, perhaps even $100. And then we went to Stephos to eat, and we were chatting, and at some point he says to me, that he 'cleans' 60k a year. And now because my leg of lamb almost shot through my nose, I collected myself and thinking maybe I don't really understand what a 'clean' means, I ask him if it is before or after tax and he says 'after'... and I slowly rolled my $100 bill away and decided to put it back, in *my* bank account, not his!

PS. I did pay for the dinner though! :)

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