Monday, May 26, 2008

I went to a cool university...

The first time I saw a helicopter on the roof of a university hospital, it was at the University of Michigan. I thought it must be a pretty big hospital then... Ever since, I've looked for helicopters on the roof of our own Fairview hospital, and seen quite a few. Everytime I see them, I think, 'ooh I go to a big university too'! Eventhough I know in the back of my head it has nothing to do with coolness... it's just a space issue, that the helicopters have to land on the roof... :) but hey...

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Going to meet more friends...

I saw this truck while I was going to Tomah today. It says on the back
I'm on my way to who knows where, In hope to see my friends there.

I thought it was so striking given my imminent move to Montreal!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Moose Hugs from Montreal

So, for a long time now, I've been feeling like these people are going to welcome me with wide open arms. And I've been trying to fight it, I've been like 'Get real... there are going to be some cold shoulders'... but then that original gut feeling never went away... and then I go there, and they did indeed welcome me with wide open arms... What do you do then? You buy this soft toy that says 'Moose hugs from Montreal' to commemorate that first feeling of warmth...

Now first impressions are not always the only impressions, certainly not for me. But I am surprised at how many people actually come off as jerks, right off the bat... So give these Canadians some credit - they have sustained our first meeting, pleasantly! And I got a warmer welcome than what we here at Minnesota extend to our new postdocs, so...

More first impressions

Montreal's E&Y

It's a contact dance spot right next to the electronics shop

Lot's of French Cathedrals

Montreal Subway

The cross on Mount Royal

View of the city from Mount Royal; an act of immense kindness from a stranger that he took me to the top of Mount Royal to show me the city. Talk about heart warming gestures...

The Big O from Mount Royal

Sunday, May 18, 2008

First Impressions

First impressions of Montreal from the plane....

Sunrise on USAirways in MSP

The rising sun reflecting from this USAirways tail beautifully... this is the plane I took to Philly en route to Montreal.


As I got off the LRT at 5 in the morning, these armies of TSA people did too... this pic does so much injustice to the actual sight... By the time I drowsily took out my camera, they had sort of dispersed...

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Smart Cars in Minneapolis

There are a couple of smart cars running around in Minneapolis - good for them! This one had parked in the LRT lot and apparently taken the light rail... what do you know?