Monday, April 28, 2008

they worked and they laughed...

Look at these boys hard at work and the girls chit-chatting away. Either the girls totally had their act together while the boys goofed off so now they have to work hard, or the boys just plain worked harder, or that's how biys work - fully concentrated. For some reason that I can't quite explain, it looked like the first though... may be couple boys reminded me of the goof balls that I TAd here...

In any case, any of the 3 cases above, I was like those boys; either I didn't do my homework so was trying to pull something off at the last minute or I worked harder than the others or that's just plain how I studied - I needed to concentrate hard...

Before I came to this wonderful country, I had no idea that girls and boys behaved so differently. But now I am aware of it, and look for evidence within myself and around me... I don't know if it's a loss of innocence or seeing the light...

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