Saturday, March 12, 2011

O Canada!

This multi-flag picture from close to the Stanley Park entrance, by the coast... In case one flag does not make any intruder realize that this is Canada, here are like 20... Nationalism!!!! Ok, I'll stop...

The second pic is quite amusing actually - look at these cars actually parked on the pavement - that's where they are supposed to park, they have those parking meters even further in to the pavement (see them?). The pavements are quite wide, so pedestrians can also walk... This downtown proper, Vancouver...

Today I went for dim-sum in the suburbs with co-workers(suburbs!!!! I know, but turns out some authentic Hong Kong people went everywhere in Vancouver proper and then this was the correct dim-sum place they found - it was the parents-in-law of one of the professors I think). Suburbs, they make me feel soooo empty and desolate - you know when you are not happy, but you are not angry either, and you certainly cannot cry - it is, out of all the feelings I have, my most feared feeling... The dim-sum however, was very good... On our way back in the public transit, this young professor, his wife and I were talking - she asked 'so have you had the chance to explore Vancouver a bit?' 'yeah a bit... do you have any must-see recommendations for me?'...'errr... we are probably not the right people to ask this question - we don't really like it here'... whoa... and yesterday I had decided I like Vancouver... These people lived in NYC before this, so now I am quickly connecting the dots and am thinking, Montréal is like NYC, so what are the odds that I will like it here? And just like that, I don't like Vancouver anymore... I was reflecting on how easy it is for people to just influence me with a snap of fingers... actually it is not that - I, like most adults, have pre-formed ideas. Now if someone comes along and condones/encourages this idea, you are sold... I can not count on my hands how many people told me that I will love Vancouver - well in my case that doesn't help either - because apparently I am a contrarian...

Anyway, I ain't no quitter... I am staying here for 2years for sure... It'll be nice to at least marginally like this place in that time... :)

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