Sunday, July 6, 2008

Festival International de Jazz de Montréal

Mory Kanté closed the Festival International de Jazz de Montréal for 2008... He had some cool African drums playing along...

Oh I did go to the Leonard Cohen tribute on opening night too, but my batteries died and Cohen himself was not there - apparently he shuns such tributes to him or something... There were raving reviews in the Gazette, but I've heard better renditions of Cohen songs...

So did you know, they serve beer everywhere and every fete... There are stalls and vendors running around with trays of beer... So at this jazz fest, more than 100,000 people, quite a few drunk, and yet not a single brawl broke out... Is it the Canadians, is it the jazz music, or is it increased resistance to booze I am not sure...

WHat I did notice is people are pretty cavalier about alcohol here. We go to the 'pub' atleast once a week... oh Montreal has some cool micro-breweries and their beer is very good. I never liked beer before I came to Montreal... And then, at school, they have a bunch of hard liquor and liqueur, so they'll go and make themselves a drink at 5p or so... And make some for me too... This is new to me, coming from a dry campus in Minnesota...

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