Wednesday, October 29, 2008

First snowflakes to stay...

and this morning some snowflakes had formed these pretty ice fractals and stayed... there were none near my home, but closer to school (the university is built on to Mount Royal) it had been cold enough for them to stay... And here's what Mount Royal looked like from the bus... covered by a thin white blanket...

I ain't taking my winter coat out till Novemeber... I just ain't...

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

First Snow fall

Tonight the first snow flakes hit the Montreal atmosphere like this... By this time I was nicely tucked away in my apartment with a mug of hot chocolate... It is very interesting to watch the motion of light snow flakes tracing wind movement and turbulence created by cars swishing below...

The snow won't stay, it's too warm. Still most days Montreal beats Minneapolis to colder... Come on, I mean *come on* Minneapolis...

Saturday, October 25, 2008


This would then be the first pumpkin I carved.... I was impressed really, for someone with no artistic talent I thought I did well...

Now the apartment smells burned pumpkin soup...

Sunday, October 19, 2008


All summer long, I told these Montreallers that Montreal will have to wow me with something else, Minnesota blew me away with its coldness and then there's this... C'mon Minnesota... live up to your standards....

BTW, why does everyone fight to be colder than everyone else?? I guess it's to say that cold is character building so the colder your place is, the stronger you are or so... I say to those people who think enduring physical hardship is character building, go to grad school, take an oral exam, defend a thesis....

Thursday, October 16, 2008

some Irish...

You don't ever wanna go to Hurley's on Crescent on the day of a hockey game - it is close to the Centre Bell, home of the Canadiens and after the game you have a whole lot of hockey fans storming just about any bar, but what better fun than a good ol' Irish bar that is named after a stick that looks like a hockey stick... :)

This night was not a game night (oh but the Canadiens won yesterday their home opener against the Boston Bruins - gooooo Canadiens!!). The music was good; Dave, Bill, Liam and Ashley - three middle aged men and this really cute 20something girl.

However, it was the ambiance that warrants a blog entry. It was 10pm and there were all these men dressed in executive office garb. What makes a person work till 10pm? Someone suggested there must have been a conference and the locals brought them to this bar. I thought of all the conferences I've been to and remembered the times people got totally wasted and acted out. There's something about being an outsider in whatever town, that allows so much freedom, to act out pretty much however you want to. It is fun though, as long as it is somewhat under control...

Tonight I was told "well this is still better than a whole bunch of anglophone teenagers in here - they are so loud and rude". In my mind kids are kids - they are loud and rude, and actually I am not that bothered by their attitude... But because I have never distinguished kids of a specific nation as being louder and ruder than the rest, I immediately asked "so you think Francophone kids are not like that?" and they proceeded to discuss in earnest and finally decided 'no Francophone kids are not like that; they are more calm and sweet' yeah riiiight... how adorable... Oh the person who actually said this in the first place is Greek; other than when she says things like this I think she's a nice girl actually - in general she totally re-writes my notion of them Greeks!

I must say, I have not experienced an across the board difference between Francophone and Anglophones...

In case news about the Canadian election beat the US election coverage to you and you heard that Quebec was taken (2/3rds!!) by the separatist party, Bloc Quebecois - yes all of my Quebecois friends voted for them. It was very interesting to see all the immigrants, the German person, the Ukrainian person and the Chinese person in the building either voted NDP or Liberal. All my Quebecois friends, who still swear that they are not for separation, voted for this separatist party. But it is not that simple - the Liberals, the major opposition party was very weak this time, in fact this is why the Conservative prime minister called an election. And the Liberal leader, Stephane Dion, even though a very nice and grounded person, had no personality at all. Then I heard the Liberals had some issues with taking bribes or so a few years back. Most people that I know, didn't like the current Prime minister, Stephen Harper, who is btw a wacko like Bush, sooo... and then the NDP was too small a party... so anyone who wanted to make a statement and keep a healthy opposition to Harper, voted for the Bloc. Well anyone who wanted that and the separatists!!! Just last week, when I was in Sudbury, I was told by an Onatrian, that just about every Francophone Quebecois is pro separatist, even though they might not want to admit it... Now I think, even though not entirely true, it might have a grain of truth to it...

Eh... how people try so hard to differentiate themselves from the rest...

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Home sweet home

Looking towards home from Mount Royal... Where is home anyway!? Home is where I wan t to come back to when I go on vacation or for work... and that is now my apartment in Montreal...

That green bridge is pont Jacques-Cartier (Jacques-Cartier bridge) and my home is behind that tall brown building this side of the bridge. It is only a four story building, so you can't see it here...

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Cafe Pi

where I go when I don't have enough 'nerd' in my life... like the weekends, when I experience nerd withdrawal... and then I get to practice my French too...

It is a hippy (as in lot of vegetarian selections) and eclectic (like Montreal is...) cafe on the busy and lively Blvd. St Laurent that is famous for chess. A lot of people there are people who played in tournaments at some point in their lives, if not now.

So when I go and ask to play, they are always skeptical. But nobody has refused me upto now, I guess they don't want to hurt my feelings, or they feel 'ah what the heck, it's some girl...' :) But you know they are always totally undermining me. Now I know those of you who've played chess with me are thinking, rightly so... I ain't no grand master, it's true... But I always surprise them. It is very fun to see them go from taking it really easy to 100% concentration... Most of the time I don't win there, but I do at least have a strong defense and sometime a pretty good offense too.

They say I play a different game. This I think is because I have never sat down with a chess book and learned some traditional chess strategies. My brother did this one time, he got a book and learned this, but this never interested me. I know how the pieces move, and the rest is spontaneous. At the end they are always surprised that I held the game for about 1hr. So they go around telling everyone how good I am... So now when I go to Cafe Pi, I go there also for the much needed ego-boost...

Ok, now people tend to think of girls as eye-candy (this from my very politically incorrect former office mate) and I think I am no exception. Now I should be offended right? I know, but somehow I am not... May be because I feel like I am truly a nerd, so I can use some eye-candy attitude... So when I sit to play chess, I imagine these people see me this way. And I just totally love this... I never volunteer to tell people what my profession is. I hold it back as long as I can. But often, like at the end of a well played chess game, the curiosity gets the better of them, and they itch to know what I am doing... After some tinkering of their thoughts I tell them what I am and there jaws drop... I just love this... :)

Monday, October 6, 2008

6800ft underground...

This is what it looks like 6800ft underground; I was trying to capture something that differentiated 6800ft from 2100 ft underground (other than the sign that said 6800!!), but to no avail. But 6800ft is cooler than 2100ft, not just because it is deeper, but also because it has normal toilets!!! Whoever said life is no walk in the park, was a grad student working in the Soudan mine...

Thursday, October 2, 2008

View from my balcony

looking at the east edge of downtown...

Above the brown building there you can see the teeniest bit of Mount Royal there...